ezFilemanager plugin

File Manager plugin for TinyMCE
ezFilemanager screenshot
ezFilemanager screenshotezFilemanager toolbar screenshot

ezFilemanager can be installed as stand-alone file management utility using PHP and jQuery.

Integrates as a custom file browser within TinyMCE for image, media and link popup.

Adds support to TinyMCE 4, major re-coding, smaller footprint, upgraded jQuery and using Twitter Bootstrap framework.


  • Browse directories
  • Display file information such as type, size and dimensions (images only)
  • File deletion facility
  • Non empty directory deletion facility
  • Upload files (based on type permission for image/media/links)
  • Create directories
  • Restrict max upload size for image/media/links
  • Restrict characters to use for new files/directories
  • Multilingual
  • Basic security to block non existent folders and back_browsing (../../etc)
  • Some other user definable settings, see includes/config.inc.php.
TinyMCE 4 logo TinyMCE 4

Install ezFilemanager plugin in TinyMCE 4

  1. Download plugin from developer website
  2. Copy ezfilemanager directory to tinymce/plugins/.
  3. Edit TinyMCE config and add ezfilemanager to plugins key
  4. Add buttons to the toolbar section: ezfilemanager


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